February 3, 2013

  • owning it

    I want out.


    I really cant see myself doing this for the rest of my life (the career path that I somehow manage to fall into)


    Ive never really known what i wanted to be in life. I knew any career in the medicine path would never have cut it. I can't stomach blood or anything icky.

    I'm no IT expert and numbers bore me (yet here I am working every day).


    They say- do something you enjoy and the rest will follow.

    I enjoy writing/typing in my blog. But in the 8- 9 years that I've blogged, this hasn't made me any money. In fact google adsense for whatever reason has banned me. And I really can't see this as a means to make ends meet. I don't take this stuff seriously enough to make it worth my while. It's more of a hobby than anything else- or a place to vent out my frustrations. It just so happens that I get to share it with you - the reader.


    My other interests (and I do have a range of interests- far too many for my liking as well)...is skin care. But I'm not like one of those crazy people who spend all day reading up about the reviews of certain blogs or is so dead crazy on a skin care regime (mind you- mines somehow lost its way). But I do love the whole

    -day spa thing.

    Maybe it's because it's something I spend hundreds of dollars each year in pampering myself. But for whatever reason, it's an industry I'm willing to step into.

    But I just don't want to be a beauty therapist only because if that's all I had to do- it would eventually bore me to tears and the money's not so great (it would take me years to earn the same amount of money that I'm on now).

    However, i do want to own my own business one day. I've always wanted to be my own boss. I've always wondered about owning my own cafe or coffee place. but some of the hours that you gotta work don't interest me.I also don't want to be a makeup artists- i have no interest in makeup per se. I dont have that artistic flair in me to be able to envisage a certain "look" for someone. So that rules out things like hair dressing, floristry etc.

    If I owned my own day spa, I think the challenge of being a business owner would be enough to keep me going before the next big thing in my life.


    I've had a talk with the other half who really doesnt care what it is that I plan to do in the next 10 years of my life, so long as that I'm doing something and happy.


    We'll just see how things pan out




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