Month: September 2012

  • work work work

    I’m glad that I’m going back to work…

    the last month has been so so. Like I’ve mentioned before, it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. There are so many things you can do before you’ve done everything and it becomes pretty boring. Unless of course you happen to be friends with people who work part-time, uni students or the unemployed… I don’t have those kinds of friends and everybody i know works full time which basically translates to doing nothing.

    I didn’t travel anywhere fascinating because I assumed I was saving money for a wedding that I’m no longer going to have and didn’t want to continue to living such a lavish life. Which I kinda regret because I could have spent every single day at a different cafe sipping lattes or something (but unfortunately as we all know, that didn’t happen). What a waste.

    That is why I HATE cutting back on things.. and saving for anything is a waste of time and effort. 

    I prefer going back to the old lifestyle of spending my money on whatever hell i please instead of being conservative and trying to save… it’s a life I can do without.. but i digress.

    anyway…. i give myself probably a month before i probably hate work, but at least like everybody else i know- we all have something in common – WORK.

    Work is what pays the bills, what we make ourselves go to (because it gives us a sense of belonging), it identifies us to some degree and frankly it gives us money to do as we please.


    So tomorrow I’m going to be the new kid on the block. I just hope for my sake, that it’s a good block to be on.

    I should be so lucky…


  • last day

    Yesterday was a very eventful day…

    - watched the footy finals (well most of it) with my partner, my cousin and her bf

    -ended up going to the medical clinic to get a tetanus shot and treatment to my hand because my cousin’s dog bit me. Nothing major being still had to be safe than sorry. Tetanus shot has been very sore

    -went to a friend’s birthday who’s celebrated her 30th birthday.

    and today…


    I’ve been spending the morning in a very pissed off mood thanks to my dad (refer to lasts post) where I was planning to spend this in a relaxed peaceful manner. Today is in fact the last day of my holiday.. I’m a lit bit nervous and excited at the same time in regards to work. Like a child anticipating their first day at a new school.

    Now I’ll be spending the rest of my day in an agitated state.

    Have been thinking, all this drama has only started since I moved bedrooms. Maybe this bedroom is jinxed :(

    well going to have to deal with it because i cbf moving back, took like 3hrs to pull apart and re-assemble the bed. Not going through that again


  • how many times do i have to be mad at the same thing?

    Today my dad tried to broach the same damn subject in regards to the things I want in Vietnam. I told him bluntly- I don’t want it anymore… well actually the way I put it to him is that I don’t want my MUM, my cousins or any other relative dealing with any of this. Because clearly they are incompetent.

    The fact that my dad suggested that I give my aunty and uncle(who’s leaving soon) $300 to pay for “excess luggage” so that they can carry my stuff back to Australia really really infuriates me.

    Why the hell do I have to fork out $300? just for excess luggage baggage when clearly postage to Australia potentially isn’t even that excessive. Not for something that’s less than 6kgs. Although we have no fucken clue if it’s even possible to mail it back via post because you know why!?!?!? because no one has even bothered to find out for me. USELESS!?!?!? and INCOMPENTENT…. 

    and then to expect someone who’s on holidays.. HOLIDAYS !!! that’s right!!! to be dragging something that’s not even theirs back into our country. It’s a lot of hassle, I wouldnt be wanting to do it for many people including my own relatives. And who knows what they’re deciding to bring back also on top of my stuff?!?!?! O M F G.. and they are already being put out by having to do something else for me.. how much MORE do i have to put out these poor people?!!?!? w t f?!!?!?

    why do i have to put up with this shit? 

    I told my dad very plainly- if i want something, I’d fly over to Vietnam and get it myself because clearly you and everybody else that is related to me is thick. I don’t know how clearer I have to be. 


    and then my dad gets shitty with me because he’s like “why don’t you communicate this with your cousin”

    I dunno? because i was never ever given a chance because my mum jumped the gun to make that phone call and then cracked it when i was just plainly upset at being told the same info that has no relevance to us anyway because why does it matter if the thing is 6kgs, 100cm tall, 30cm wide etc etc. We can’t physically do ANYTHING in Australia anyway? I don’t know why my mum is so nosy, and needs to be told every single detail for. Is she paying for it? Is she going to be the one using it? does she even want it?

    The answer is NO NO NO!!!

    So now, I am looking up and looking out for cheap flights to Vietnam because I just can’t be fucked dealing with incompetent family members.

    This is the LAST and FINAL time I’d be involving my parents and/or relatives in anything wedding related. We’re just going to go ahead with it and they will get TOLD how it’s done. Their input is now NULL and VOID.

    piss me off enough and that’s what happens.


    Either that.. or i’ll end up spending the next 18mths having massive arguments to the point where I’d cancelled the wedding or UNINVITE a lot of people.



  • changed

    It’s devastating news to hear that a woman walking home at 1.30am (yes it’s a tad late), doing what she’s done probably a dozen times before.. couldn’t get home safely.

    There’s no real wonder that it’s been the talking point for the last week for many Victorians considering that many of us have either done this before- walked home, walked to our cars, walked to the local shops… even at that hour. If not us, then our friends, our daughters, our nieces, our cousins, aunts, mothers at some stage in our lives. It’s something that REAL women do… and most of us, including me would have never had thought twice about it. I know Jill Meagher didn’t either.

    Of course, there have been times, when we have been sensible and realized “hey i’ve parked my car in a really dingy dark area” and might need someone to accompany you, but most of the times- Melbourne is a relatively safe area to be.  Safe enough for a girl to walk 700metres back home that is..

    For the action of one man, it has now instilled fear in most women, including myself. How the hell am I to know if there is a sicko out there who would hurt me? It never occurred to me before but now… it has. You can never be sure.

    It’s not to say I would never go out again, but I will never walk alone in any Melbourne street after dark alone.. EVER…

    It’s a shame that one man has been able to make someone like me feel afraid, but then, what can I do? Cannot change the fact I am now more acutely aware of sex depraved psychopaths prying on women out there.

    It’s not just me, the sentiment is the same. My dad today discussed of his complete and utter disgust over this vile man who did such a heinous crime. His belief other than executing him was that I am not to walk alone at night. In fact, he would prefer it that I carried with me some kind of pepper spray and have it handy when walking alone, because that just might save me from a crazy person. I think he would have some peace of mind if I decided to just start some martial arts class because i think that’s more legal and some people deserve an ass whooping.

    Even my partner was horrified, he told me had tried to put himself in Tom Meagher’s (Jill’s husband) shoes and found himself unable to comprehend how calm and collected the man was. I, too probably wouldn’t be half as calm. I think personally I would have already tried to kill the guy by now.

    and now… all of Melbourne are brought together to mourn…


  • #574 days to go – fucken pissed off

    I am so ANGRY that I slammed the bedroom door and currently stewing over how ANGRY i am.


    I am frustrated at the fact that I have to rely on OTHER people because I live in Australia and the damned things can ONLY be found in Vietnam. My parents asked my cousin to look for it, and work out how much it costs overall (including postage to Australia).

    I received a message from another cousin of the things I needed. She gave me the height, the width and some of the costs. Turns out she quoted me incorrectly telling me that it costs $75 for one, apparently it’s for two.

    But it’s pointless telling me how much the thing costs if:

    -i dont know what the costs of shipping it here costs

    I told them I just wanted to know the total costs. I don’t need to know how much the individual thing costs because we just want to buy it and we want to know whether or not we can get it back to Australia in a box of some kind. Obviously there are certain restrictions in regards to mail and not everything can be shipped here. Well it can but then you need to hire a shipping company etc. That’s all I wanted to know because I just want to pay.

    I told my mum today that she should try to contact some of the Vietnamese people  who apparently may have them here (saves us from buying overseas) because I hadn’t gone down that avenue yet.

    The next thing I know, she’s ringing my cousin in Vietnam asking him about the details of the things I want brought over and he’s giving her the sizes and measurements. Which is pointless because we already know that. The only thing good out of that phone conversation was him verifying the proper pricing because I was intially given the wrong amounts (but even then I had already accepted the higher price) but like I said to the female cousin- I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF ITS POSSIBLE TO SHIP IT HERE THROUGH THE POST OFFICE.

    We already know that the things exists in VN. We also know that it’s not going to be overly expensive to buy. What we don’t know is whether or not it can be mailed here.. or what the fucken process is to get it back to Australia.

    And you know, when i told my mum this whilst she was on the phone, she was like ssshing me. because she needed to listen to my male cousin who was giving her options such as sending it back with my aunty and uncle who’s going to be leaving to go there in a few days. SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!? I TOLD THEM MAIL THROUGH THE FUCKEN POST OFFICE. I cannot expect to have my aunty and uncle to bring that back. That shit ways 6kgs and it’s luggage space which is VALUABLE.

    I was angry at my mum for making that phone call because it was unnecessary, she achieved nothing and I hadn’t even gotten around to showing my partner the stuff, whether or not he liked it or what his thoughts are (even though he would have been happy)… and i wanted her to really just boil it down to one thing




    so when she gets off the phone, she has a go at me… AT ME?!?!?!? what the fuck. She’s like “we’re asking your cousin a favour, be nice”


    and who asked her to call my cousin in the first place? She called him without even telling me, considering it’s going to be MY MONEY THAT’S BEING SENT BACK TO PAY FOR THIS SHIT.

    and let’s be frank here, my cousin would have been heavily compensated for his time and effort anyway. I would have had to send the extra money back for him as a gift. So it’s NOT really a FREE service.

    this whole thing has left such a bad taste in my mouth. This is the second time my mum has dudded me with making phone calls to VN in regards to our wedding.

    The last time, she had to make like 6 phone calls to a cousin in law to look at wedding dates but because she couldn’t be fucken clear to what she wanted or needed, she had to hang up and call again. The whole time, not even bothering to ask me what i wanted or needed. It’s my fucken wedding, not hers.

    and in the end she casually says “oh, i dont believe in the date system thing anyway, its only because you wanted to know”

    oh what the fuck??!!?!?! these superstitions.. they don’t come from ME, they come from my parents, and then to have them turn around and tell you it’s not all that important.. kinda like W T F!??!?! what was the whole point then? If she made herself clearer, then I wouldnt have wasted an hour at patiently listening to her frustrating conversations at the best of times.


    You know if my vietnamese was alot better than i wouldnt have to rely on mum so much,


    I am hating my wedding preps now…

    anything family, religious, traditional is giving the fucken irrits..


    i can already forsee myself having a screaming match with my mother and my extended family to tell them to get the FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE on my wedding day

    and then smashing bottles of XO on somebody’s head to make a point.


    and u know the funny thing is… it’s something i would do, when driven to the point of frustration..






  • R.I.P Jill Meagher

    This morning I read the news of the grim discovery of Melbourne’s missing woman- Jill Meagher’s body. It was buried in the outskirts of outer Melbourne.

    She had been raped then murdered. This makes me sick to the stomach. The worst kind of torture.

    What makes it even more terrible was that she was less than 1km home (like 700 metres away), and yes, it was 1.30am when she walked home but what kind of society are we living in if a person can’t even walk that kind of distance home without the thought of being raped and buried 30cm underground?

    I mean, she would have thought her local area to be safe, I mean if not, she wouldn’t have said no to a colleague’s request to walk her home. In hindsight, that would have probably saved her life. But hindsights a very good thing-always after the fact. I feel sorry for the colleague who didn’t get to walk her home because that person is going to live their life in regret thinking “i should have pushed her harder to walk her home, i should have done something different” but really, you can’t blame yourself. You can’t change back time, what’s happened has happened.

    My heart goes out to her family-her husband, her parents,brother, cousins, in-laws for now having to come to terms with this awful tragedy. I dont know how you deal with a loved one’s murder but to also know that in her final hours of being abducted, she was raped then murdered. To me, that’s just horrendous, personally I’d want to be torturing the bastard myself.

    Australia has REALLY soft laws when it comes to criminals like this, the death penalty would never do this man justice, although he deserves to die, dying would be such an easy way out for him. I wish we had laws to castrate the man in a slow like manner (yeah I’m all for torture) and then maybe hang him. We hardly ever send our criminals to LIFE in prison and when they do go to prison, their lives are somewhat more CUSHIER than people living in the real world. What’s the point? It costs taxpayers money MORE money to incacerate these assholes and they live squishy lives, sure they don’t get to roam around and be FREE but they get a LOT of facilities inside these jails. If the jails weren’t so “great”, and were like the hells of the earth- like the how awful they are in some Asian countries then spending any time in JAIL would be REAL justice. It’s like -you wish you never committed the crime in the first place and you wish you could die somehow but you can’t, yet you live in such awful circumstances.

    But nonetheless, as we live in a democratic society and there is no death penalty/torture… the best sentence this family can get on such a vile criminal (i dont care if it’s a one time act, ONCE is enough already.. how many more times does a man need to commit these crimes against woman before they get serious?) is LIFE. anything but LIFE is NOT a fair sentence to the family, her friends, her colleagues and to the people of Melbourne- who have been captured by this news story since last week (when she went missing and we had hoped that she would have been found safe and sound)

    This vile creature-that we call “a man”, has sentenced her Jill Meagher’s family+friends to a life sentence, they too have to live with the horrid details of her last final hours of rape and murder. Therefore, he too, should spend the rest of his disgusting life in a cell remembering the awful thing he did. I don’t care how repentent he is. The fact of the matter is that he’s ruined the life of ONE family and instilled fear into every female out there living in melbourne.

    I also hope when he goes to jail that he gets RAPED like a dog on heat because he, too can feel the awful pain that Jill had to feel.


    I will never personally walk any street alone after dark.



  • new beginnings

    I have spent the last 5 hrs moving into the new room. It took a good 2hrs to pull the bed apart, then re-assemble it. I had forgotten that this bed was a pain in the ass….afterall I did pay for someone else to put it together because I couldn’t be bothered dealing with the amount of nuts and bolts the damn thing came with. But that was almost 10 years ago, and frankly that’s a long time ago.

    I am still trying to clean up my old bedroom…as in sorting out the vast array of novels that I have- bear in mind, I still have 2 large boxes at my friend’s house who’s returning them soon. It’s a good thing there is spare cupboard space for them but the reality is…

    This bedroom like mentioned before will be used as a study/tv entertainment room which means we’re going to have to do some furniture:

    -my partner wants a new study desk- there’s one in there but apparently he wants a corner desk.. That’s going to be fun putting together. 

    -we need new bookshelves to store my never ending library of books. 

    -a new sofa bed.

    -coffee table


    I think we’ll do the right thing and buy them during the christmas break… there’s only a few more months to go.

    Better to buy them on sale then to buy them full price.

    It’s nice being in this room- for starters there’s some decent natural light and it’s got roller shutters. On those hardcore days where I’ve clubbed too hard, I can wind those shutters down to make it night-time all day long. Who am I kidding.. there won’t be any days where I’d be clubbing too hard. LOL


    after putting this bed into this room… you get to see exactly how much smaller the bedroom really is. I can ONLY fit my QS bed and the bedside tables.

    My other bedroom still had my study desk, my tv cabinet and tallboy.. and there was plenty of walking space around. but at least my bed didn’t feel so lost in such a large room. The upside is that I won’t be getting the cold draft I was getting through the sliding door.



  • broken

    So I have spent the last couple of hours moving some of my stuff into the other room. Who knew even after I did a spring clean of my wardrobe (10 bags went to the Salvation Army) that it would still take me so long to haul it across to another room. I guess part of the problem was re-arranging everything because the other room (although smaller in size than my current bedroom) actually has a decent size walk in wardrobe. We’re going to convert my current bedroom into a study/entertainment room/guest room which means for the time being I’d be leaving my tv behind as it would be too squashy in the new room. Which works out well because I’ve noticed I sleep a lot less with the tv in my bedroom (even though it was what I wanted originally)

    Anyways, as I have been cleaning the room etc. I had to vacuum the bedroom, the vacuum cleaner decided that it had enough of me and decided to die.


    My dad came grumbling after me when I told him that it had decided to go to heaven with all the other appliances I have killed over the years which for whatever reason made him very determined to try to fix it. The replacement-which we have looked is about $1000 (my mum is adamant we might as well get a very good Dyson one) at which my dad’s pointed out that it will end up broken anyway after I’ve had a go.

    I don’t know why he’s mad in the first place considering he already knows I usually break everything in the house. You know we carry a spare kettle for JUST IN CASE the current one dies? We’ve been through half a dozen kettles too (and some expensive ones too) and they haven’t lasted very long either. 

    So really, what was he really expecting considering he was the one who suggested that I do the vacuuming? Sheesh.

    In saying that, as I am currently writing this, my dad’s managed to somehow get it working, but I assume tomorrow when I go to use (afterall I have to vacuum this current bedroom once I move out), it will surely die tomorrow. It’s on it’s last leg!!!

    Kinda like how the washing machine is about to cark it soon too. Funnily enough, last week I did the laundry …and what do you know, the machine struggled to do a light load. My mum kept asking me “what did you press?” I don’t know? exactly what everybody else presses because the instructions are clearly labelled on the wall? 

    I doubt my dad can fix that, and YES, we’ve had a look at it’s replacement too… the washing machine-like the vacuum cleaner is on it’s last leg… these days it’s shaking a lot, even so much that i can hear it from upstairs…


    Could be worse… could be like the time i flooded the laundry… (good thing there were plenty of dirty clothes) to mop up the mess…now that’s another story altogether…


    I hope we don’t break my bed tomorrow when we move it out… chances are I might have to order a new one anyway




  • preventing of ageing

    Just completed a facial. Starting a routine now where I’d get monthly facials and keep up the routine of cleansing, toning and moisterize daily.
    Starting to freak out about ageing. Better to prevent because there is no cure.

    Ageing sucks. You think modern medicine by now has found a cure.

    Actually you think by now modern medicine would have found a cure for everything.

    Nonetheless whether it works or not…talking about the facial..its still a nice way to spoil one self. I highly recommend it.

  • painted!

    The room has been painted!!! My dad did a fab job… he wouldnt let me paint because he’s not crazy. Let’s not kid ourselves here, had i done it, it would have looked terrible, there would be more paint on me than the wall AND i would have broken something


    so now we’re waiting for it to dry annnnnnnnd

    i’ll be moving in tomorrow

